Product Details
K7103 Digital Storage PCOscilloscope

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Use your IBM compatible computer as an oscilloscope. The K7103 is a digital memory oscilloscope that can be used on an IBM compatible computer. It is operated from the computer using the computer screen as the oscilloscope display. All standard oscilloscope functions are available from the DOS program supplied. Operation seems like a normal oscilloscope, with the one difference that most operations are performed using the mouse. Connection is via the parallel port of the computer. 
The PC oscilloscope uses a sampling frequency of 32MHz and can drive up to two completely independent channels. The components for the second channel are an optional extra. Any waveform on the screen can be stored in TIFF format so that it may be later retrieved for use in documentation or for comparison to other waveforms.The kit comes complete with housing. 
Oscilloscope Specifications: 
Minimum system requirements 
IBM compatible PC
VGA display
Free Printer port LPT1
400Kb free conventional memory
Technical data 
Vertical deflection
Frequency range:
Input coupling:
Horizontal deflection 
Trigger mode:
1~@/2 division
Trigger channel:
Digital storage 
Software supplied with the K7103 (VF75S) kit is DOS-based (requires '286 or better PC) and provides 'Scope functions. A software upgrade US7103 (VF79L) which offers Spectrum Analyser (FFT) & Transient Recorder functions is also available. Software is compatible with WindowsTM 3.x and WindowsTM 95). 
Windows 95 Software 
Dedicated software for WindowsTM 95 is also available (VF87U), as an upgrade, which provides oscilloscope and spectrum analyser functions in an integrated WindowsTM 95 environment. 
The kit for the 2nd channel is K7104 (VF77J).